Title I

OVCA Title I

OVCA is a schoolwide Title I funded school. As a federally funded Title I school, OVCA’s primary goal is to ensure that all students, particularly those who are low achieving, demonstrate proficient and advanced levels of achievement based on state academic achievement standards.

Title I is a federally funded, supplemental program intended to assist students who are having trouble in reading or math or risk falling behind. OVCA serves any student who may need Title I services. Federal funds can be used for materials and professional development for any teacher or student in that building.

Supporting and increasing parental involvement is another aspect of Title I programs. We encourage parental involvement at both the district and site level.

Parents Right to Know

As a school that accepts Title I, Part A funding, OVCA must notify parents of students that they can request information regarding their child’s teacher, including, at a minimum:

  • Whether the teacher has met state requirements for licensure and certification for the grade levels and subject-matters in which the teacher provides instruction; and
  • Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or their provisional status through which state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived; and
  • The college major and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree; and
  • Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals, and if so, their qualifications.

In addition, each Title I school must provide each parent timely notice that the parent’s child has been assigned or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not Oklahoma certified, if applicable.

OVCA is proud to provide your student the best possible educational experiences. OVCA strives to recruit the most qualified, experienced, and passionate educators to work with our students. All teachers employed at OVCA for the 2020–2021 school year are Oklahoma certified as defined by the State Department of Oklahoma.

Title I Documents