Enrollment and Attendance FAQs

Who is eligible to attend Oklahoma Virtual Charter Academy (OVCA)?

OVCA offers full-time enrollment for grades K–12 for Oklahoma residents.

How many of my children can I enroll in OVCA?

What does it cost to attend OVCA?

Do you provide curriculum for special needs children?

Is the program available to children without a permanent address?

The McKinney Act of 1987, or P.L. 100-77, ensures that each child of a homeless individual, and each homeless youth, shall have equal access to the same free, appropriate public education as provided to other children and youth. The act has been amended and is currently considered the McKinney-Vento Act. Under the act, schools are prohibited from delaying a child’s entry into school due to delays in obtaining school records. Rules regarding guardianship must be waived for students living with foster parents or relatives other than their legal guardians. Individuals who are considered McKinney-Vento students are in housing temporarily, and due to hardship, their housing is substandard or considered inadequate or a student is not living with a parent or guardian.

OVCA can offer school supplies and other services to qualifying homeless youth. Determinations of qualifying students are made on a case-by-case basis.

What is the attendance policy?

Can our family take a vacation during the school year?

The school calendar includes school holidays or vacation time. Whenever possible, family vacations should align with school vacation days. Parents are encouraged to contact their student’s teacher if they plan a vacation that does not coordinate with the school calendar.